Mill Hill Antique Beads


Mill Hill Seed Beads are small glass beads that are almost round in shape and are size 11/0 (2.2 mm.)

SKU: acc-beads-mhant-000 Category:


Mill Hill glass beads are the perfect finishing touch for needlecraft, bead work and cross stitch projects. Mill Hill Seed Beads are small glass beads that are almost round in shape and are size 11/0 (2.2 mm.)

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Mill Hill Number

03002, 03003, 03004, 03005, 03007, 03008, 03009, 03010, 03011, 03012, 03013, 03014, 03015, 03016, 03017, 03018, 03019, 03020, 03021, 03022, 03023, 03024, 03025, 03026, 03027, 03028, 03029, 03030, 03031, 03033, 03034, 03035, 03036, 03037, 03038, 03039, 03040, 03041, 03042, 03043, 03044, 03045, 03046, 03047, 03048, 03049, 03050, 03051, 03052, 03053, 03054, 03055, 03056, 03057, 03058, 03059, 03060, 03061, 03062, 03063, 03501, 03503, 03504, 03505, 03506, 03507, 03545, 03550, 03553, 03557, 03561, 03575